Acrylic workshop with local artist Julia Ogden

Well my friends, September is nearly upon us as we count down to our next exhibition UNDER THE SAME SKY.

Under the Same Sky front for web
After a lovely breakfast meeting with Julia earlier this week, and a sneaky peek at some of the finished paintings, I wanted to share some of the news with you here and tell you about her painting workshop at Heart Gallery.


Julia’s walks to Gibson Mill, Heptonstall and Stoodley Pike looking across the valley or hills have informed the colours of her paintings; watching the seasons change under the same sky!

Back in her small but perfectly formed studio Julia starts work on creating a painting from something that has inspired her on one of her walks.


The changing skies show a new side to our valley’s character and Julia captures this in acrylic to give us insights of her lovely day. Julia doesn’t  really know why her colours turn out like this but we love her paintings and know you will too.

Northern Skies - Passing Through ticket
You can be inspired by Julia too on Monday 10th October if you attend her acrylic painting workshop at Heart Gallery from 1pm – 4pm.  Tickets for NORTHERN SKIES – PASSING THROUGH are £28 and available from Heart Gallery. Spaces are limited to ensure lots of one to one teaching so please do call in to buy yours soon so you are not disappointed.

13938541_10208460308079612_500971531654051782_nCome to Heart Gallery for an inspiring afternoon with artist and qualified teacher Julia Ogden and create a beautiful local landscape to take home x

2 thoughts on “Acrylic workshop with local artist Julia Ogden

  1. hi , i have been following your lovely gallery for some time now and i am so pleased for you that after the flood it now looks amazing, well done!I too had a flood through my home 4 years ago, in fact it was on the first introductory day of Uni, both me and my husband started different degrees on the same day and so our mobiles were turned off so our neighbors couldn’t get hold of us( until after the 3 hour ceremony by which time our ground floor had been soaked by two foot of rain water) and we all had to live in rented,  stinky house for 3 months, while ours was being fixed. Also with some tiny small print in our insurance apparently we weren’t fully covered as they expect you to add an extra 10,000 to your house cover for each child and because we didn’t know that until crunch time  we ended up not getting hardly any cash to replace our ruined possessions, a hard lesson to learn.Anyway i left uni with a 2/1 BH Hons degree in Applied Arts, specializing in silver smithing and ceramics and for the past year have been making lots of very different pieces in silver and in Ming porcelain, i haven’t  applied to any galleries as of yet but was wondering if you would like to have a look at my work with a view to stocking it in your beautiful gallery.I do a huge range of styles from contemporary to more fun stuff and sell a few bits at a couple of local Artisan fairs, i will send you some pics to show you the diversity of my work , i am always having new ideas too so maybe if you don’t like anything at the moment you could keep an eye on my facebook page in the future just in case there’s anything you would like to sell . I have recently had a little success being mentioned in a international magazine for my porcelain  piggy pendents, as the director has one herself, ive included a picture.your sincerly Alexandra Symons | heartgalleryblog posted: “Well my friends, September is nearly upon us as we count down to our next exhibition UNDER THE SAME SKY.After a lovely breakfast meeting with Julia earlier this week, and a sneaky peek at some of the finished paintings, I wanted to share some of the” | | Respond to this post by replying above this line |

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    | | | | Acrylic workshop with local artist Julia Ogden by heartgalleryblog |

    Well my friends, September is nearly upon us as we count down to our next exhibition UNDER THE SAME SKY. After a lovely breakfast meeting with Julia earlier this week, and a sneaky peek at some of the finished paintings, I wanted to share some of the news with you here and tell you about her painting workshop at Heart Gallery.Julia’s walks to Gibson Mill, Heptonstall and Stoodley Pike looking across the valley or hills have informed the colours of her paintings; watching the seasons change under the same sky! Back in her small but perfectly formed studio Julia starts work on creating a painting from something that has inspired her on one of her walks. The changing skies show a new side to our valley’s character and Julia captures this in acrylic to give us insights of her lovely day. Julia doesn’t  really know why her colours turn out like this but we love her paintings and know you will too.

    You can be inspired by Julia too on Monday 10th October if you attend her acrylic painting workshop at Heart Gallery from 1pm – 4pm.  Tickets for NORTHERN SKIES – PASSING THROUGH are £28 and available from Heart Gallery. Spaces are limited to ensure lots of one to one teaching so please do call in to buy yours soon so you are not disappointed.Come to Heart Gallery for an inspiring afternoon with artist and qualified teacher Julia Ogden and create a beautiful local landscape to take home x heartgalleryblog | August 24, 2016 at 7:00 am | Tags: acylic, artist, canvas, Gibson Mill, Hardcastle Crags, Heptonstall, Julia Ogden, landscape, painter, Stoodley Pike, teacher, walk, workshop | Categories: 2016, Heart Gallery, Hebden Bridge, Paintings, West Yorkshire, workshop | URL: | Comment |    See all comments |    Like |



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    1. Hi Alexandra
      thank you for your lovely comments – it is good to be back! Can’t imaging what it’s like to have a home flooded so I can empathise with that. I will email you when I have had a chance to look at your work, thank you, Alison

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