
Shop Local posters.pdf

Watermark Calderdale is a campaign to build a resilience fund for our towns for future flooding. Their aim is to build a pot of money that can be accessed by businesses & households immediately when future floods hit (because they will – it may be 5 years time, it may be next week!).

Our Shop Was flooded - poster A4.pdf

Watermark is a not-for-profit campaign and is a joint venture between Totally Locally its founder Chris Sands and Community Foundation for Calderdale.

Walking in to Heart Gallery when the flood waters finally subsided was heartbreaking

Walking in to Heart Gallery when the flood waters finally subsided was heartbreaking


As you already know we have seen first hand how invasive flood water is to homes and businesses and moving forward from the Boxing Day floods of 2015 we will have no insurance cover when it happens again. This is why Heart Gallery is delighted to be working with local artists to produce EXCLUSIVE TO HEART GALLERY products to raise much needed pennies for this great campaign.

Hebden Spirit bottle
We have worked with Andy Poplar now for 5 years and it just felt right to ask him to produce a piece for us that celebrated everything that was so great about our community in the days following the floods, something that can’t be broken – the Hebden Spirit! This bottle is now available from us in a 250ml size with £10 from the sale going into the Watermark Fund and a 500ml size with £15 from the sale going to into the Watermark Fund.

postcard set

Another of our much loved local artists is painter and printmaker Julia Ogden (she was a Heart Gallery Princess for over 5 years before taking the leap into her own creative practice!). Julia has created a set of 6 postcards celebrating the positive within our community. And let’s face it right now, who doesn’t want to send a bit of kindness through the post, I know I am not alone in knowing we really do need this in our lives now more than ever before! These retail for £12 and £5 will be popped into the fund for every set sold at Heart Gallery.

Isobel Cortese Strong Tea

Isobel is another of our local artists that you love since she started her new business venture with us over 2 years ago so it felt right to ask her to come up with a Watermark product too. I know alcohol kept me going the early part of this year but so did tea so this everlasting terrarium is perfect! It retails at £80 and £20 is going into the Watermark Fund from every sale in Heart Gallery.

The Mighty Calder Valley - Pippa

Our fourth product is another beauty! Our very own Pippa Dyrlaga, Heart Gallery Princess, (also known as Bear Follows Cat) has produced an amazing paper cut for us. We currently have the framed original on our wall retailing at £340 and £40 will be donated to the Watermark Fund when it sells (not sure how long this will hang around for though!). Fear not though because Pippa has also produced a limited print run of 100 in the reverse colourway you see here on the original paper cut and they are retailing for £35 with £10 from every one sold in Heart Gallery going into the Watermark Fund.

welcome to Heart Gallery small for web

It’s important to stress that all our artists making Watermark products for us are being paid as normal for their hours and their materials and it is Heart Gallery that is donating its commission from the sale into the Watermark Fund. We hope to see you in Heart Gallery soon x


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